Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This IS Ammericcccan Idol.....

I've been watching American Idol since the beginning and usually find my favorite about half way through the year. This year is tough because I don't have my favorite nailed down yet and there are quite a few talented singers. Another great thing I love about this show is that Jordan will watch it with me and we discuss the performances while they are happening. We actually agree with Simon more often than not, even if what he says goes against our favorites.

There are two Mormons that have made it to the Top 10 this season and both are doing reasonably well. There are also a couple of other guys that I think show great potential to make it to the end.

My Top 4 (in no particular order) are:
Brooke White (mormon)
David Archuleta (mormon)
Michael Johns
David Cook

I have felt reasonably confident so far that my choices would get through and I've been watching American Idol off the DVR a day or so later than the Tuesday airing so I haven't been contributing my vote. Tonight we had some free time after cleaning so we decided to watch it about an hour after it aired (you only get to vote up to 3 hrs after the show airs).

Every week they have a new theme and tonight's theme was songs from the year they were born. It started out pretty slow and Brooke, David, and Michael's performances were good, but not stellar, but will definitely get them through to the next round. David Cook was the last performer of the night and BLEW ME AWAY! I love old school Michael Jackson songs and he took Billie Jean and re-worked it into a rock song. Seriously maybe the best song of the whole season so far. I watched him performance twice already and I'm going to keep it on my DVR for awhile in case I want to visit it again. I can see that song being a single on the radio today. He's now made me a fan and might be inching closer to being my favorite of the season.

I did finally vote tonight...even though I loved David Cook I know he is safe this week so I voted about 20 or so times for Brooke White. She's up there as one of my favorites - she's sweet, so talented and Mormon so I have to support. She can play the piano by ear (learned tonight from her vignette), plays the guitar, and has a pretty interesting voice. I can see her making albums like Alicia Keys but with a different twist. I do only take my support so far so if she starts bombing she's off my list.

It'll be interesting to see who gets booted tomorrow night. I think it will be Chikezie or Ramiele. If you haven't started watching tune in and make your vote count!

BTW-for the record Jordan does not vote for this show. He just likes to watch and comment on the performances. I am the only one in this household that makes an impact on the shows outcome. :)


Bitter Larry said...

Yes, I do watch. It doesn't make a lot of sense, since I actually don't like most of the songs they sing (they probably wouldn't like most of my songs, to be fair), but I think I like the entertainment value. Still, tonight did make me feel a bit old - like Karin said, they were singing songs from the year of their birth, and we even had one from 1990. Yikes.

Brent said...

Man oh man I think the season will get way intense. I'm glad Ramiele is gone and once KLC is gone it will be a pretty awesome competition.

Sally said...

My favorite of David's was Hello. I tried to download it from itunes, but I only got a little snippet--not the full length versions that they brag about having. I'm with Brent. Goodbye KLC. I have issues with watching David sing, though. He's cloying somehow. If he were on the radio, it'd be all good, but having to watch his face while he sings does me in. My money is on David A. winning the whole thing. There are entire high schools here who have assemblies on Tuesday nights and text their little fingers off voting for him. Once all the others are gone and the votes from the general public aren't diluted anymore, he's gonna take it.